Version 4.0.22

Fri, Apr 22, 2022

Version 4.0.22

Released: April 22, 2022

Status: End of life


This release consists mostly of fixes and minor improvements backported from version 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3dev.


The markup of the confirmation form was cleanup removing redundant close button and sorting the element attributes.

A redundant modal close button was also removed.


Django was updated from version 2.2.24 to 2.2.28.


A restart policy was added to the Traefik container definition.

Guidance comments were added to the Docker Compose file service ports regarding Traefik usage.


Removed a duplicated Document.get_label method.

Fixed an incorrect document file signature serializer label.

Document indexing

Avoid displaying API URL links to indexing instance and template parents that are also root nodes as these are not accessible.

Document signatures

The signed document file is now used when the file download is requested and when calculating the signed document file checksum.

The signature view permission label was updated from "View details of document signature" to "View document signatures".

The text "signed" is now appended to the label of a signed document file instead of using the temporary filename used during signing.

File caching

Removed repeated partition file close call methods.


Unread message count badge now filter the number of messages by read permission.


Updated document metadata model field label from "Metadata type value" to "Metadata value".

Improved metadata validation error message and added more verbosity.


When failing to access the configuration file, the path is printed for additional debug help.


Exposed the workflow template auto_launch field via the REST API.


  • Remove usage of flat values list in document checkout manager.
  • Remove usage of flat values_list queryset in metadata managers module.
  • Ensure the object copy permission is required for the object copy link.
  • Fix search proxies method decorator.
  • Reorganize converter office MIME type list.


  • None

Backward incompatible changes

  • None

Issues closed

  • None