Version 4.1.1

Tue, Oct 26, 2021

Version 4.1.1

Released: October 26, 2021

Status: Stable



The sidebar menu heading display logic was improved. In some views and with some specific combination of objects, link headings were sometimes not shown. This was fixed for all reported cases.

Some HTML markup left over by a merge in the server error dialog window was removed.

The X style close button for the server error dialog breaks the visual pattern of the rest of the dialogs and was removed.


The layer exclusion error caused by the asset image generation in version 4.1 was fixed.


The variables COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME and COMPOSE_PROFILES were moved to the correct file, the .env file.


  • Merged fixes and improvements from versions 4.0.17 and 4.0.18.
  • Update PIP from version 21.2.4 to 21.3.1.
  • Remove MySQL upgrade CD/CI testing pipeline stage until support is properly re-implemented for version 8.0.
  • Add CD/CI triggers for local testing.
  • Exclude all migration tests by tagging automatically at the MayanMigratorTestCase subclass definition.
  • Support multiple environments per dependency.
  • Update the wheel library to be a dependency of the build and the documentation environments to workaround a bug in PIP that causes "error: invalid command 'bdist_wheel'".


  • None

Backward incompatible changes

  • None

Issues closed