Version 4.0.1

Thu, May 20, 2021

Version 4.0.1

Released: May 20, 2021

Status: Stable



The Docker documentation chapter was updated to fix the worker concurrency environment variables names.

A troubleshooting section regarding document file access after upgrade to version 4.0 on situations where the settings system is not able to migrate the value of the DOCUMENTS_STORAGE_BACKEND and DOCUMENTS_STORAGE_BACKEND_ARGUMENTS settings. A link to this chapter is included at the end of the release notes.


The documents app migrations for the settings DOCUMENTS_STORAGE_BACKEND and DOCUMENTS_STORAGE_BACKEND_ARGUMENTS to work in more situations.

User management

The group and user setup link conditional disable was fixed to work as expected.


  • None

Backward incompatible changes

  • None

Issues closed