Version 3.4.7

Thu, Apr 2, 2020

Version 3.4.7

Released: April 28 2020



The checkouts app was updated to capture and display attempts to check in documents that are not checked out and to check out documents that are already checked out. The code to detect and avoid these situations existed but the way they are presented to user were improved.


The command to change the owner of the volume, is now run if there is a change in the UID or GID of the container's user.


The pip option [--no-use-pep517]{.pre} has been removed from the installation and version 3.4 upgrade documents.

The outdated development version deployment instructions were removed.

A new Mayan EDMS Request for Comment was added. MERC 0007 defines the new repository branch layout.

User interface

The dropdown menu text was darkened to increase contrast and legibility.


The field_order of the HTTP workflow action was fixed. This blocked adding or editing new HTTP actions.


Most usage of self.get_object() was changed to a direct reference of self.object for a minor speed and memory optimization.


  • None

Backward incompatible changes

  • None

Issues closed

  • GitLab issue #810 Upgrade issues 3.2.6 -> 3.4.4 no such option: --no-use-pep517
  • GitLab issue #820 Exception When CheckIng a Document, which has not been checked out
  • GitLab issue #821 following Documentation "Steps to deploy a development version" with Python 3.7