Version 3.3

Tue, Dec 3, 2019

Version 3.3

Released: December 3, 2019



Three new apps are included in this release.

The file cache manager app handles filesystem caching in a reusable way. Each file cache collection also has a maximum size limit. Once this limit is reached the file cache will automatically delete the oldest entries. This ensure file caches don't grow infinitely. The document and workflow apps were updated to use the new file caching. The document image cache defaults to 500MB and the workflow preview cache defaults to 50MB. These values can be changed with the DOCUMENTS_CACHE_MAXIMUM_SIZE and WORKFLOW_IMAGE_CACHE_MAXIMUM_SIZE settings respectively.

The web links app allows creating links from documents to external resources. These links are defined using the template language for variable substitution. Web links provide a simple and fast to integrate Mayan EDMS with external systems.

The document redactions app allows censoring private document information in a non destructive way. Redactions are applied interactively for a documents page. Once applied, the area will be obscured to every other part of the system. This includes the preview and OCR systems.


Support was added for checking in and out multiple documents at a time.


The image converter system was updated to support image layers. The first use of this new capacity is the redactions app.


The numeric dashboard widget was updated to display numbers in local format. This applies to decimal and thousands separators.


The command installjavascript was been renamed to installdependencies. This name better represents the function of the command.

The package djcelery was replaced by the package [django-celery-beat]{.pre}.

Celery was updated to version 4.3.0. This changes some settings:



The dropzone widget is now used for the document version upload form.

The document trashed event was added.


The included Redis server was removed from the Docker image. A separate Redis container must now be deployed.

Support for PIP proxying during build was added. Can be used with the local devpi-server or other similar to speed up builds.

Celery flower was added to the Docker image. This is Celery's recommended task monitor tool.

Several entrypoint commands were added. These are run_celery, run_frontend, run_tests, run_worker. These commands allow running containers with a specific purpose. Adding more containers with the run_worker command is a simple way to scale up an existing installation.

All Docker scripts were updated to use the Alpine Linux versions of PostgreSQL and Redis.

Added a run_command to the Docker entrypoint to run arbitrary Mayan management commands. This avoids having to use Docker's exec command.

It is now possible to specify the queue list for the run_worker Docker command. The command accepts one of two environment variables: MAYAN_WORKER_NAME or MAYAN_QUEUE_LIST. These environment variables are only read by the run_worker command. They are not used by the rest of the image or other commands.

The installation procedure was updated to use two Redis databases. One for the message broker, and the other to store task results.

The default fast and medium worker concurrency was set to 0 (auto scaling).


The documentation building dependencies are now automated as the rest of the system dependencies.

The Sphinx sitemap extension was added to allow search engines to index all the pages of the built documentation.

File metadata

Support was added for wildcard MIME type associations for the file metadata drivers.

The EXIFTOOL driver was updated to run for all documents regardless of MIME type. Even with non image documents, this driver still provides some useful file information.


An index reset tool was added. This tool erases the entire index instance, and allows user to then rebuild a clean index from scratch.

A document template sandbox feature was added. This new feature allow testing templates against a specify document.

Lock manager

A distributed Redis lock backend was added to the lock manager app. This lock helps keep multiple Mayan EDMS instances synchronized, even if they are running on different hosts. This new lock requires one argument: redis_url.

The redis_url argument must be added to the new LOCK_MANAGER_BACKEND_ARGUMENTS setting.


 LOCK_MANAGER_BACKEND_ARGUMENTS='{"redis_url": "redis://"}' 


The DjangoSMTP mailer password field size was increased to 192 characters.


The permission "Execute document tools" can now be granted via ACL. This allows giving access to roles to document tools without granting the permission globally.

Python 3

The Docker image was updated to use Python 3. The documentation was also updated to use Python 3.


API endpoints were added to the document signatures app.

An API endpoint to the a document's type was added.

The OCR API submit endpoint URL was changed from:




It is now possible to disable the simple search via the new SEARCH_DISABLE_SIMPLE_SEARCH setting.


Support for setting migrations was added. This feature will reduce the number of manual configuration file updates needed between upgrades.

Support for quoted configuration entries was removed. Quoted settings must now be specified as normal nested dictionaries. Settings affected:


However migrations were added for these settings and most users will not notice any change.

Support was added to allow user-specified location for the configuration file with the CONFIGURATION_FILEPATH (MAYAN_CONFIGURATION_FILEPATH environment variable), and CONFIGURATION_LAST_GOOD_FILEPATH (MAYAN_CONFIGURATION_LAST_GOOD_FILEPATH environment variable) settings. This allows setting the location of the configuration file independently of the MEDIA_ROOT setting.

Multi database configuration is now supported. To specify multiple databases, use the new MAYAN_DATABASES environment variable. This new setting more closely mirrors the upstream behavior of Django.



This is the same as passing the environment variables:


This method allows specifying multiple databases such as when using replication or sharding. It also allows for null entries such as when using Linux sockets.

Both methods (MAYAN_DATABASE_ prefixed entries, and single MAYAN_DATABASES) are supported.

Support for ACLs was added to smart links.


The IMAP source was updated to work using message UIDs instead of message index. This makes the IMAP email source more resilient and its email processing order predictable.

Support was also added for custom IMAP search criteria. By default NOT DELETED is used to process non-deleted messages.

The IMAP source can now also execute custom IMAP STORE commands on processed messages. The command defaults to +FLAGS [(\\Deleted)]{.pre}.

After processing IMAP message it is now possible to specify a destination mailbox. This allows keeping processed email instead of just deleting them.

The IMAP expunge command can now be turned on or off.


The class FakeStorageSubclass was added. This placeholder class allows serializing the real storage subclass. This prevents Django's migration system from confusing path changes as requiring a complete database migrations.

User interface

A new vertical main menu was added. The previous main menu is now split into two menus. One located on the left side for document related links and a new top bar menu for system and user links. The vertical main menu remain open even when clicking on items for faster access. Upon a browser refresh, the menu will also restore its state to match the selected view.

The icon composition system was expanded to support icon shadows.

The Select2 widget is now used for the document type selection form. Autocomplete is enabled for this usage.

Support was added to display help texts for view columns. By default the help text of the corresponding model field is used and shown as a tool tip.

Is is now possible to change the system messages position using the new DEFAULT_MESSAGE_POSITION setting. The default value is [top-right]{.pre}.


The workflow preview was improved to provide bigger, more readable previews. The workflow state actions are now included in the preview.

Support was added for workflow context. Workflow context allows adding variable and values to a running workflow. These variables can then be used by the different workflow state actions.

Fields support was added to the workflow transitions. These allow adding extra fields to capture user input. The value of the extra fields is added to the workflow context and it is available to the workflow state actions.

A new workflow action to send automated emails was added.

The HTTP POST action received several updates. The first, add authentication and headers support. The timeout field now supports template for dynamic timeouts. It also now supports integers, floats, or empty values.

Another workflow action added is the document sign action. This action will perform detached or embedded signing of a document.


  • Gunicorn now uses sync workers.
  • Remove document image clear link and view. This is now handled by the file caching app.
  • Unify all line endings to be Linux style.
  • Improve document version upload form.
  • Update label and icon of the document sign form Label updated from "Save" to "Sign".
  • Rename document_states/tests/ to document_states/tests/
  • Added TestServerTestCaseMixin to perform mocked HTTP requests.
  • Improve TestModelTestMixin. Allow specifying a base model. Fix passing the dynamic Meta class to the test model.
  • Update common.http.URL to allow passing a query dictionary.


  • Database conversion. Reason for removal: The database conversions support provided by this feature (SQLite to PostgreSQL) was being confused with database migrations and upgrades.

    Database upgrades are the responsibility of the app and the framework. Database conversions however are not the responsibility of the app (Mayan), they are the responsibility of the framework.

    Database conversion is outside the scope of what Mayan does but we added the code, management command, instructions and testing setup to provide this to our users until the framework (Django) decided to add this themselves (like they did with migrations).

    Continued confusion about the purpose of the feature and confusion about how errors with this feature were a reflection of the code quality of Mayan necessitated the removal of the database conversion feature.

  • Django environ package.

  • Task inspection was removed from task manager app. This is now provided by the Celery Flower project.

Upgrading from a previous version

If installed via Python's PIP

  1. Update the virtualenv to use Python 3:

     sudo -u mayan virtualenv /opt/mayan-edms -p /usr/bin/python3 
  2. Remove deprecated requirements:

     sudo -u mayan curl |SOURCE_CODE_REPOSITORY|raw/master/removals.txt -o /tmp/removals.txt \ && sudo -u mayan |MAYAN_PIP_BIN| uninstall -y -r /tmp/removals.txt 
  3. Update the Mayan EDMS Python package:

     sudo -u mayan |MAYAN_PIP_BIN| install mayan-edms==3.3 

the requirements will also be updated automatically.

Using Git

  1. If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:

     git reset --hard HEAD git pull 

    otherwise download the compressed archived and decompress it overriding the existing installation.

  2. Remove deprecated requirements:

     pip uninstall -y -r removals.txt 
  3. Next upgrade/add the new requirements:

     pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt 

Common steps

Perform these steps after updating the code from either step above.

  1. Make a backup of your supervisord file:

  2. Update the supervisord configuration file. Replace the environment variables values show here with your respective settings. This step will refresh the supervisord configuration file with the new queues and the latest recommended layout:



     sudo sh -c "MAYAN_DATABASES=\"{'default':{'ENGINE':'django.db.backends.postgresql','NAME':'mayan','PASSWORD':'mayanuserpass','USER':'mayan','HOST':''}}\" \ MAYAN_MEDIA_ROOT=|MAYAN_MEDIA_ROOT| \ |MAYAN_BIN| platformtemplate supervisord > |MAYAN_SUPERVISOR_CONF|" 
  3. Edit the supervisord configuration file and update any setting specific to your installation:

  4. Migrate existing database schema with:



      sudo -u mayan MAYAN_DATABASES="{'default':{'ENGINE':'django.db.backends.postgresql','NAME':'mayan','PASSWORD':'mayanuserpass','USER':'mayan','HOST':''}}" \  MAYAN_MEDIA_ROOT=|MAYAN_MEDIA_ROOT| \ |MAYAN_BIN| performupgrade 
  5. Add new static media:

     sudo -u mayan MAYAN_MEDIA_ROOT=|MAYAN_MEDIA_ROOT| \ |MAYAN_BIN| preparestatic --noinput 

The upgrade procedure is now complete.

Backward incompatible changes

  • None

Bugs fixed or issues closed