Version 3.1.8

Wed, Oct 31, 2018

Version 3.1.8

Released: October 31, 2018


Documentation reorganization

The documentation has been reorganized into smaller chapters and these chapters grouped into topics. This makes finding a specific documentation chapter easier. A "getting started" chapter was also added.

Several pages from the Wiki have been transferred to the documentation ( scaling up, workflows, password_reset, and others). Many thanks to all who contributed to the creation and improvement of these pages. The Wiki experiment has been proven a success in improving the quality and amount of documentation.

The documentation markup has also been improved to comply with Sphinx's best practices.

Finally a new make file target has been added to help reduce the number of spelling errors before publishing documentation content.

New command to diagnose settings

A new management command named showsettings has been added. This command will display all the setting options and their current value. This command is helpful in testing setting value override from the command line via environment variables.

Workflow previews

The usability of the workflow previews has been improved by increasing their default render resolution and showing them centered in the page. This increases the details in large or complex workflows with many states.

Re-indexing improvements

Previously it was possible to index a document by its base properties (label, description, checksum, UUID, etc). Support has been added to trigger a re-indexing of the document if any of these properties is updated.

Fix sending documents to multiple emails

Several versions ago support for sending documents to multiple emails was added. Recently the user interface began using HTML5 form widgets including the email widget. This widget default validation allows only one email per field. This broke the support for multiple email sending. The field in question has been changed to a normal text field and a custom validation code has been added to allow multiple emails. Each email can be separated by a comma or a semmicolon. Each email enterred will be validated individually.

Change the project/installation URL

A new setting option has been added to allow changing the default URL used as the homepage and the password reset URL. This options is named COMMON_PROJECT_URL and can be changed from the user interface or with environment variable MAYAN_COMMON_PROJECT_URL.

Other changes

  • Add data migrations to the sources app migration 0019 to ensure all labels are unique before performing the schema migations.
  • Add improvements to the metadata URL encoding and decoding to support ampersand characters as part of the metadata value. GitLab issue #529. Thanks to Mark Maglana @relaxdiego for the report.
  • Move the noop OCR backend to the right place.
  • Default the YAML flow format to False which never uses inline.


  • None

Upgrading from a previous version

If installed via Python's PIP

Remove deprecated requirements:

 $ curl | pip uninstall -r /dev/stdin 

Type in the console:

 $ pip install mayan-edms==3.1.8 

the requirements will also be updated automatically.

Using Git

If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:

 $ git reset --hard HEAD $ git pull 

otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.

Remove deprecated requirements:

 $ pip uninstall -y -r removals.txt 

Next upgrade/add the new requirements:

 $ pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt 

Common steps

Perform these steps after updating the code from either step above.

Migrate existing database schema with:

 $ performupgrade 

Add new static media:

 $ collectstatic --noinput 

The upgrade procedure is now complete.

Backward incompatible changes

  • None

Bugs fixed or issues closed