Case studies

Examples of Mayan EDMS usage.

California Public Utilities Commission, Energy Division, Utility Advice Letters and Related Documents

The CPUC publishes electronic copies of official CPUC-generated proceeding documents, Advice Letters, and documents that are electronically filed by third parties during a proceeding. Mayan EDMS powers the entire CPUC public portal.

Documents: 1,414

Last update: Monday, Feb 1, 2016


OPENode is open source web application for communities seeking answers for diverse problems in commercial, public or voluntary sectors. Based on flexible communication in nodes it helps to find solutions effectively and build smarter knowledgebase. Mayan EDMS is used to manage all OPENode entry documents as well as provide real time preview of each document.


The Permit Management Office (PMO) is responsible for issuing final determinations and permits, licenses, inspections, certifications and planing authorization. Mayan EDMS is used as the main document repository for permits. Additional information: 1 2

Documents: 23,000

Last update: Monday, Apr 1, 2013

Université de Montréal

The School of Library and Information Science from the University of Montreal use Mayan EDMS as a lab tool for their ARV3054 course - digital archive management. Additional information: 1 2

CommonS Project

An international co-learning and e-mentoring Community of Practice (CoP) devoted to improving the employability skills and work opportunities. Mayan EDMS is used to manage the Open Educational Resources of the platform. Additional information: 1 2

Wind River Systems

Wind River Systems, founded in 1981 and later acquired in 2009 by Intel for $884 millions dollars, is a company that develops the real-time embedded operating system VxWorks. By 2012 Wind River Systems’ global work force was comprised of 1,800+ employees. Wind River Systems uses a customized version of Mayan EDMS as a technical documentation repository for the their knowledge base, integrated into their single sign-on system and with their content management system. Additional information: 1

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