Release candidate 2 of version 1.0

Thu, Jul 17, 2014

After 397 Commits, 371 files changed, 216 additions and 37,658 deletions we are proud to announce the availability of the second release candidate for the version 1.0 of Mayan EDMS. Thanks to all contributors and the core team for all their hard work, this is shaping to be one of the best releases ever of this project.

We have managed to reduce the installation steps to just 4 plus one extra step to run your installation locally.

$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install mayan-edms==1.0.rc2
$ initialsetup
$ runserver

Download now from the Python Package Index:

If you would like to contribute to the project, two easy ways are:

  1. Just install the software and report any issues you encounter to the Github issue page: or to the Google Group:!forum/mayan-edms
  2. Help a bit with the translations at: (No programming knowledge required)