Released: April 2, 2020
Support was added to allow apps to inject their own head or foot templates to the root template. This allows integrators to add their own CSS files or JavaScript libraries from their custom app without having to modify the core templates.
The search results for cabinets now include the full path to the cabinet.
Support was added to search cabinets by the basic attributes of the documents they contain. The basic attributes are: label, description, MIME type, checksum, UUID, and document type.
When building the Docker images using a local PIP cache, the make file will now check if devpi-server is installed.
The message shown when deleting documents from the trash can has been updated to say that the documents were submitted for deletion and not actually deleted at the moment of the action.
A new setting was added to provide full control over the width of the
document thumbnails when using the list view mode. The setting is called
and defaults to 50 pixels.
Support was added to search index instance nodes by their value or the basic attributes of the documents they contain. The basic attributes are: label, description, MIME type, checksum, UUID, and document type.
The search form action URLs were fixed.